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Blenheim Palace

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This is a rail, bus and admission combined ticket for Blenheim Palace


Combined tickets are available to Blenheim Palace via Oxford using either Oxford Bus Company 500 service or Stagecoach in Oxfordshire service S3.

Bus information -

500 service departs stop R1 up to every 30 mins and runs via Banbury Road & Kidlington Airport.

S3 service departs stop R5 up to every 20 mins and runs via Woodstock Road & Yarnton.

Tickets are valid on either service and both services stop at the gates to Blenheim Palace.

For further bus enquiries, customers should call Traveline on 0871 200 22 33 or visit

Further information

For each passenger 4 coupons will print. Two coupons will be the Out and Return portions of the Off-Peak Day Return for rail travel with Great Western Railway (Standard Class only). One further portion will be for use on the Woodstock Bus link, and a fourth coupon will be used for admission to Blenheim Palace, gardens and grounds.

Purchase Details

Through tickets may be issued where the fares shown in your TIS or the Fares Finder. These tickets are available from various locations around the Great Western Railway network to Oxford as far out as Hereford, Worcester,Cardiff Central, Bristol, Weston-Super-Mare, Swindon, Basingstoke, Gatwick Airport and London Paddington.

Valid from

From 8th March 2023

Valid in both directions


Applicable Origin Station(s)


Applicable Destination Station(s)



  • Adult


     From Oxford.

  • Child

    £11.00 From Oxford.

  • With Railcard

    • 26-30 Railcard

      Valid railcard holders will be given a discount on the rail element of the through-fare ONLY.

      Children aged 5-15 will receive a discount on rail travel, bus link and admission.

      No other discounts or concessions are valid with this offer.
