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Carnet - Take 10 (Singles) with Avanti West Coast

Nearest train station

Participating train companies websites


Take 10 is a pack of ten identical, inter-available point to point single journey tickets.


There is a saving of 10% on the published price of ten individual Anytime tickets.

Further information

For further information see

Available to Purchase

From 5th December 2010

Purchase Details

Take Ten Carnets are only available from participating stations and rail appointed travel agents.

Booking Conditions

The ten tickets are valid for three months and can be used at any time. The individual tickets are transferable and can be used by anyone at a company. Each ticket needs to be validated by the customer before travel (the date and time of journey need to be written on the front of the ticket). No further discounts apply. No refunds or changes to validity period of tickets allowed.

Valid from

From 2nd January 2011

Terms & Conditions

TTS - Take 10 Anytime Standard

TTR - Take 10 Anytime First

Valid in both directions


Passengers Information

When self-validating a Carnet, customers should be advised to endorse the date with 2-digit numerical values only, eg. 07 09 for travel on 7th September, using permanent black ink.

The ticket will need to be validated before the first journey on that day commences.
