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Cheltenham Races

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Combination of rail and add-on bus fare to Cheltenham Races


A rail and add-on bus fare is available on race days to Cheltenham Races. Stagecoach run a race day shuttle bus service from outside the station to the racecourse.

Customers may obtain further details of the bus service by calling 'Traveline' on 0871 200 22 33, or by visiting

Further information

For further information see

Available to Purchase

From 5th November 2010

Booking Conditions

Accompanied animals and articles

Hand luggage only. Accompanied dogs may be conveyed on the buses at the discretion of the driver.


No Railcard or other discounts on the bus portion.

Holders of Privilege Travel facilities and Inter-Rail cards should book rail tickets to/from Cheltenham Spa, and purchase add-on tickets separately.

Valid from

From 5th November 2010

Valid in both directions


Applicable Destination Station(s)

Cheltenham Spa


  • Adult

    Add-on amounts

    Day Return £5.50

  • Child

    Add-on amounts

    Day Return £2.75
