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Dean Forest Railway

Nearest train station

Participating train companies


A combination of rail and add-on discounted ticket to Dean Forest Railway


The Dean Forest is a haven for walkers, cyclist and real ale enthusiasts alike. The Forest Railway branch line takes visitors through Lydney town centre, where you can visit St. Briavels Caste, the harbour or take a stroll around the famous park gardens. You can stop off at Nochard with its museum, cafeteria, woodland and line side walks. Or you can visit Parkend which offers a delightfully restored station, village with real ale pubs, forest walks, a RSPB nature reserve and cycle ways. The Dean Forest Railway's Lydney junction is less than ten minutes walk from Lydney station. You just exit Lydney station and walk north up the road towards the signal box. You will see the entrance to the Dean Forest Railway just before you arrive at the signal box on your right.

Further information

For further information see

Available to Purchase

From 15th August 2011

Booking Conditions

Railcard discounts apply only to the rail element of the journey and not the Add-on amount for Dean Forest Railway.

Normal refund conditions apply

Valid from

From 15th August 2011

Terms & Conditions

The combined ticket allows unlimited travel on the Dean Forest Railway on the specified date.

Valid in both directions


Applicable Destination Station(s)



  • Adult

    Add-on to train fare £8

  • Child

    Add-on to train fare £4
