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Friends Fare

Nearest train station

Participating train companies


Great value fare available for groups of three or four people travelling together on longer distance routes.

Valid on the following ScotRail routes:

Glasgow/Edinburgh to Inverness

Glasgow/Edinburgh to Aberdeen

Aberdeen to Inverness


Flat fare for small groups of 3 or 4 people travelling together, the price is the same whether there are 3 or 4 people in the group. The Friends Fare is an Advance ticket and is subject to availability

Further information

For further information see

Available to Purchase

From 2nd January 2007

Purchase Details

  • At a staffed station

  • Rail appointed Travel Agents

  • Telesales on 0344 811 0141 

  • Online at

NOTE: not available on the train

Valid from

From 1st April 2015

Terms & Conditions

  • Travel is on ScotRail services only

  • Friends Fare tickets must be booked no later than 18:00 the day before travel

  • Reservations are essential when booking this ticket. Both outward and return reservations must be made at the same time

  • Each member of the group travelling on the correct train, holding a valid Friends Fare ticket AND a valid reservation will be able to travel with no excess required.

  • Any other members of the group who are travelling on a different train to that specified on their ticket, will be deemed to have no valid ticket and should be charged the appropriate fare for their journey.

  • Break of journey at intermediate stations is not allowed, unless for designated connections.

  • Friends Fares are only available for standard class travel.

  • Refunds are not available.

  • Travel plans can be changed, before outward travel, subject to a £10 administration fee for each ticket.

Valid in both directions


Applicable Origin Station(s)

Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow Central, Glasgow Queen Street and Inverness
