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Mums to Be - South Western Railway

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Baby on Board badges and help pack for Mums to Be.


We appreciate that travel can be difficult for pregnant people when travelling on our trains, especially when they are busy and there are no seats available. To make your journey easier, we provide “Baby on Board” badges for our mums to be. By wearing this badge, it should be easier for other customers to see that you may need a seat. As well as providing you with this “Baby on Board” badge, we’ll also provide you with a handy travel tips leaflet for travelling whilst pregnant.

For further information, and to apply for a Mums to Be help pack, please visit: South Western Railway Mums to Be

Further information

For further information see

Valid from

From 1st February 2024

Valid in both directions


Applicable Zone of Station(s)

Ascot (Berks), Andover, Ashford (Surrey), Aldershot, Ash Vale, Ashurst New Forest, Alton, Ash, Addlestone, Axminster, Bagshot, Bracknell, Brockenhurst, Bedhampton, Beaulieu Road, Brentford, Byfleet & New Haw, Bookham, Brookwood, Bournemouth...
