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Valley Lines Night Rider

Nearest train station

Participating train companies


Enjoy unlimited travel in the designated geographical area for the evening on Transport for Wales services.


Valley Lines Night Rider offers unlimited travel within the designated geographical area for one evening (from 18:30 onwards) on Transport for Wales services.

Further information

For further information about Valley Lines Night Rider and Transport for Wales' Explore products, please visit, or ask for information at your local ticket office.

Available to Purchase

From 16th August 2006

Valid from

From 16th August 2006

Terms & Conditions

Valid for travel after 18:30 every day. Also valid for return journey on the first train departing the original destination the following morning.

Valid in both directions


Validity Area

View area of validity map for this product

Link to map

Applicable Zone of Station(s)

Aber, Abercynon, Aberdare, Bargoed, Barry, Barry Docks, Barry Island, Birchgrove, Bridgend, Brithdir, Cadoxton, Caerphilly, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff Central, Cardiff Queen Street, Carrbridge, Cathays, Cogan, Coryton, Crosskeys...


  • Validity

    Valid on Transport for Wales services in the designated geographical area after 18:30 for one evening.

  • Adult

